Investigando o processo tradutório
Heloísa Gonçalves Barbosa, Aurora Maria Soares Neiva
Es reseña de:
Investigando o processo tradutório
págs. 11-26
págs. 27-53
págs. 55-74
págs. 75-85
Translation and Teaching: the Dangers of Representing Latin America for Students in the United States
págs. 87-97
págs. 99-113
págs. 115-126
págs. 127-135
A Critical Analysis of a Short-Story Translation: "The Sisters"
págs. 137-148
Can the Translator Play with the System, too?: a Study of Thematic Structure in some Portuguese Translations
págs. 149-187
págs. 188-196
págs. 197-230
págs. 231-248
Another Kind of Comparativism: a Hora da Estrela and the Hour of the Star
págs. 249-285
A Literatura Brasileira Traduzida na França: o Caso de Macunaíma
págs. 287-329
págs. 331-354
págs. 355-367
págs. 369-377
págs. 379-399
págs. 401-409
págs. 411-420
págs. 421-433
págs. 435-455
págs. 457-466
Hatim, B & Mason, I, The Translator as Communicator.
Es reseña de:
The Translator as Communicator.
B. Hatim, I. Mason
págs. 499-501
Es reseña de:
In Other Words.
Mona Baker
págs. 501-503
Delisle, Jean and Woodsworth, Judith (eds), Translators through History.
Es reseña de:
Translators through History.
Jean Delisle, Judith Woodsworth
págs. 503-505
Clark, Romy & Ivanic, Roz, The Politics of Writing.
Maria Cristina Schleder de Borba
Es reseña de:
The Politics of Writing.
Romy Clark, Roz Ivanic
págs. 505-507
Simon, Sherry, Gender in Translation - Cultural Identity and the Politics of Transmission.
Maria Cristina Schleder de Borba
Es reseña de:
Gender in translation: cultural identity and the politics of transmission
Routledge Reino Unido, 1996. ISBN 0415115353
págs. 508-509
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