Second language speech production: Investigating linguistic correlates of comprehensibility and accentedness for learners at different ability levels
págs. 217-240
págs. 241-263
págs. 265-283
págs. 285-301
págs. 303-322
Children's production of head-final relative clauses: The case of Mandarin
págs. 323-346
págs. 347-370
Character reading and word reading in Chinese: Unique correlates for Chinese kindergarteners
págs. 371-386
Mother-child talk during joint book reading in two social classes in Taiwan: Interaction strategies and information types
págs. 387-410
págs. 411-434
Remembering "txt" but not "text": The effect of context and lexicality on memory for text message abbreviations
págs. 435-459
págs. 461-485
How Germans prepare for the English past tense: Silent production of inflected words during EEG
págs. 487-506
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