The biotechnology research for the unresolved and challenging health problems
Jerónimo Pachón Díaz
Inhibitors and effectors of the glycosidases as therapeutic tools
Carmen Ortiz Mellet, José Manuel García Fernández
A new element involved in the regulation of tetralin degradation genes in Sphingopyxis granuli strain TFA
Inmaculada García Romero, Eduardo Santero, Belén Floriano Pardal
Expression of genes related to phenoliccompounds degradation by Lactobacillus pentosus and its relevance for table-olive fermentation
José A. Carrasco López, Belén Caballero, Antonio Maldonado, Helena Lucena Padrós, Manuel Brenes, José Luis Ruiz Barba
Synthesis of Tannic acid and Gallic acid nanostructures with biomedical applications
Cristina Victoria González Fernández, Ángela Briz Fuentes, J. R. .Aguilera, Ana Paula Zaderenko Partida
SIN001, drug for improvement of the embryonic implantation. Study of endometrial markers in clinical regulatory phase
M. Jiménez, L. Barreiro, D. Cotán, José Antonio Horcajadas Almansa
Transgenerational inheritance of environmental information in Caenorhabditis elegans
Patricia Antonia Lucas Rodríguez, Alejandro Salguero Jiménez, Ana María Brokate Llanos, Manuel Jesús Muñoz Ruiz
Accelerated soil diuron mineralisation by microbial consortia inoculation and enhancing bioavailability with cyclodextrin
Jaime Villaverde Capellán, Marina Rubio Bellido, Alba Lara Moreno
Industrial use of Caenorhabditis elegans in aquaculture.
Ana Rico Sanz, Carlos López Viso, Manuel Jesús Muñoz Ruiz
Genome-Scale in silico Reconstruction of the Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Generating Metabolism in Pseudomonas putida KT2440 and Study of the role of ROS in Different Metabolic Processes
Carlos Medina Morillas, Juan Nogales Enrique, Juan Gerardo Hernández Delgado
A new method for the identification of phytoplasmas in strawberries (Fragaria fragaria)
N Nieto Oviedo, J. Ortega Delgado, José Ibeas
Implication of the non-canonical Wnt pathway in neural tube defects
Arturo Amarilla Gudiño, José Manuel Caro Vega, Patricia Ybot González
The use of platelets microparticles and associated factors for improve the endometrium pontentiallity
Alejandro García Sánchez, Leandro Barreiro, David Cotán Marín, Jose Antonio Horjacadas
In vitro genome editing for testing potential gRNAs in CRISPR/Cas9 strategy
Cristian Díaz Muñoz, F. Porro, Andrés F. Muro
Influence of the 3D environment in collective cell migration
Ester Molina López, Andrea Valencia Expósito, María D. Martín Bermudo
Evaluating the cellular consequences of ACLY inhibition in primary hepatocytes and pancreatic islets
Gonzalo Rafael Vázquez Gómez, L. López Noriega, A. Narbona Pérez, L. Pérez Rosendo, B. R. Gauthier, A. Martín Montalvo
Synthesis of Tannic Acid nanoparticles
Irene Aizpitarte Morán, J. R. Aguilera, Ana Paula Zaderenko Partida
Characterization of the "diabesity" gene HMG20A in pancreatic islets
Juan Gómez Pinto, José Manuel Mellado Gil, Petra I. Lorenzo, Benoit Gauthier
Bub1 as a recruitment platform for Spindle Assembly Checkpoint components
Manuel Velasco Gomariz, Ana Belén Iglesias Romero, Ignacio Flor-Parra, Rafael Daga
Role of the hepatoprotective citoquine cardiotrophin-1 (CT-1) in macrophages polarization
Pablo Colodrero, José Miguel Vélez Ortiz., Matilde Bustos
Recombinant baculovirus vector development for universal vaccine production against human common cold virus, Rhinovirus
Patricio Gabarrón, José Carlos Luque Villata, Elena de la Torre Madrid, Félix Rico Camps, Juan José Infante Viñolo
Unravelling the function of Myf5 in the developing limb musculature
Pedro Jesús García Murillo, Macarena López Mayorga, Cristina Vicente García, Jaime J. Carvajal
Manufacturing a vaccine against Porcine Circovirus Type 2 (PCV2) using Baculovirus Expression Vector Systems (BEVS) in Trichoplusia ni
Patricia Lerena Pérez, Elena de la Torre Madrid, Félix Risco Bóveda, Juan José Infante Viñolo
Validation of a method for the determination of sorbic acid (E200) and potassium sorbate (E202) in industrial bakery by high resolution liquid chromatography
Lucía Pérez Alvarez, María de la Menta Ballesteros, Manuel Santiago
Effect of FeCl3 fixed on silica-gel as catalyst on olives and olive-oil washing wastewaters treatment by photo-Fenton
Gassan Hodaifa, Manuel Rodríguez Pecino
Fine tuning and interference study in the determination of heavy metals in fishery products by ICP-MS technique
María Victoria Sánchez, María de la Menta Ballesteros, Raquel Rojas Rodríguez
Olive oil mill wastewater treatment and algal biomass production by combined process based on flocculation, UV light and Scenedesmus obliquus growth
Gassan Hodaifa, Marina de la Vega Cuevas, Ana Malvis, Sebastián Sánchez
Effects of minor compounds from virgin olive oil on inflammatory response in human leukocytes
Sergio Montserrat de la Paz, Maria Martin, Beatriz Bermúdez Pulgarín, Rocío Abia, Francisco José García Muriana, Juan Manuel Pérez Jiménez
Heterogeneous catalysis based on photo-Fenton reaction for olive oil mill wastewater treatment
Gassan Hodaifa, Naima Calderón
Wastewater purification with activated carbon
Paloma Candela Soto, Raquel Rojas Rodríguez, María de la Menta Ballesteros
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