págs. 249-250
págs. 251-260
Toward ‘hybridised’ faculty development for the twenty‐first century: blending online communities of practice and face‐to‐face meetings in instructional and professional support programmes
págs. 261-270
Building pedagogic excellence: learning and teaching fellowships within communities of practice at the University of Brighton
págs. 271-282
Flexible programmes in higher professional education: expert validation of a flexible educational model
Ad Schellekens, Fred Paas, Alexander Verbraeck, Jeroen J.G. van Merriënboer
págs. 283-294
Feedback within peer observation: continuing professional development and unexpected consequences
págs. 295-304
págs. 305-315
págs. 317-326
págs. 327-339
pág. 341
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