New Developments in Intelligent CALL Systems in a Rapidly InternationalizedInformation Age
Naoyuki Tokuda
págs. 319-327
A Review of Intelligent CALL Systems
Johann Gamper, Judith Knapp
págs. 329-342
Inferring and Maintaining the Learner Model
Charles Grant Brown
págs. 343-355
A POST Parser-Based Learner Model for Template-Based ICALL for Japanese-EnglishWriting Skills
Naoyuki Tokuda, Dahai Xiao, Liang Chen
págs. 357-372
The Tutor Assistant : An Authoring Tool for an Intelligent LanguageTutoring System
Janine Toole, Trude Heift
págs. 373-386
Video-Based Language Learning Environment Using an Online Video-EditingSystem
Hiroaki Ogata, Yoneo Yano, Yoshiaki Hada
págs. 387-408
Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Learning Strategies in ICALLEnvironments
Thomas M. Segler, Helen Pain, Antonella Sorace
págs. 409-422
págs. 423-433
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