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Resumen de Comparison of written versus verbal peer feedback for design projects

Adam R. Carberry, Samantha R. Brunhaver, Kristine R. Csavina, Ann Mckenna

  • Engineering design project courses offer an opportunity for students to develop their communication skills. Developingsuch skills through written documents and verbal conversation are important to ensure students possess the professionalskills required of practicing engineers. The following paper includes two complementary studies that utilize peer feedbackcomparing: (1) written versus verbal feedback and (2) second-year students to seniors. Study I investigates the impact ofmultiple means of expression and action in two concurrent sections of a second-year project course. Study II comparesstudents in the second-year project course that used verbal feedback with students in a senior capstone course that used thesame verbal feedback approach. Our findings suggest that providing students with the option of giving verbal peerfeedback encourages them to provide a higher percentage of critiques with elaboration versus surface critiques withoutelaboration. We also observed senior students to have further developed the skill of providing constructive criticism, asopposed to just criticism, both on technical and professional content.

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