InstitucionesÁrea de conocimientoPeriodo de publicación recogido
The importance of additive reasoning in children’s mathematical achievement: A longitudinal study
Boby Ho-Hong Ching, Terezinha Nunes
Journal of educational psychology, ISSN-e 1939-2176, ISSN 0022-0663, Vol. 109, Nº. 4, 2017, págs. 477-508
The relative importance of two different mathematical abilities to mathematical achievement.
Terezinha Nunes, Peter Bryant, Rossana Barros, Kathy Sylva
British journal of educational psychology, ISSN 0007-0998, Nº. 1, 2012, págs. 136-156
The development of word recognition and its significance for comprehension and fluency
Terezinha Nunes, Peter Bryant, Rossana Barros
Journal of educational psychology, ISSN-e 1939-2176, ISSN 0022-0663, Vol. 104, Nº. 4, 2012, págs. 959-973
Individual differences in conceptual and procedural knowledge when learning fractions.
Darcy Hallett, Terezinha Nunes, Peter Bryant
Journal of educational psychology, ISSN-e 1939-2176, ISSN 0022-0663, Vol. 102, Nº. 2, 2010, págs. 395-406
Rational number and intensive quantities: challenges and insights to pupils' implicit knowledge
Terezinha Nunes, Peter Bryant
Anales de psicología, ISSN-e 1695-2294, ISSN 0212-9728, Vol. 24, Nº. 2, 2008, págs. 262-270
Generalising principles in spite of procedural differences: Children's understanding of division
Ekaterina Kornilaki, Terezinha Nunes
Cognitive development, ISSN 0885-2014, Vol. 20, Nº. 3, 2005, págs. 388-406
The sociocultural construction of implicit knowledge
Terezinha Nunes
Cognitive development, ISSN 0885-2014, Vol. 18, Nº. 4, 2003, págs. 451-454
Montserratian mothers¿ and English teachers¿ perceptions of teaching and learning
Terezinha Nunes, Gail Windrass
Cognitive development, ISSN 0885-2014, Vol. 18, Nº. 4, 2003, págs. 555-577
The development of children's understanding of intensive quantities
Daniel Bell, Terezinha Nunes, Despina Desli
International journal of educational research, ISSN 0883-0355, Nº. 7, 2003, págs. 651-675
Mathematics learning as the socialization of the mind
Terezinha Nunes
Mind, culture and activity, ISSN 1074-9039, Vol. 6, Nº 1, 1999, págs. 33-52
Aprendizaje de las matemáticas como socialización de la mente
Terezinha Nunes
Pensamiento educativo: revista de investigación educacional latinoamericana, ISSN-e 0717-1013, ISSN 0719-0409, Vol. 19, Nº. 2, 1996 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Educación inicial), págs. 237-306
Measurement as a Social Process
John Mason, Paul Light, Terezinha Nunes
Cognition and instruction, ISSN 0737-0008, Vol. 13, Nº 4, 1995, págs. 585-587
Terezinha Nunes
Cadernos de Pesquisa, ISSN 0100-1574, ISSN-e 1980-5314, Nº. 89, 1994, págs. 5-23
Cultura, escola, ideologia e cognição: continuando um debate.
Terezinha Nunes, David W. Carraher, Analúcia Schliemann
Cadernos de Pesquisa, ISSN 0100-1574, ISSN-e 1980-5314, Nº. 57, 1986, págs. 78-85
Fracasso escolar: uma questão social.
Terezinha Nunes, Analúcia Schliemann
Cadernos de Pesquisa, ISSN 0100-1574, ISSN-e 1980-5314, Nº. 45, 1983, págs. 3-19
Na vida dez; na escola zero: os contextos culturais da aprendizagem da matemática.
Terezinha Nunes, David W. Carraher, Analúcia Schliemann
Cadernos de Pesquisa, ISSN 0100-1574, ISSN-e 1980-5314, Nº. 42, 1982, págs. 79-86
O realismo nominal como obstáculo na aprendizagem da leitura.
Terezinha Nunes, Lúcia Lins Browne Rego
Cadernos de Pesquisa, ISSN 0100-1574, ISSN-e 1980-5314, Nº. 39, 1981, págs. 3-10
5. Aprendizaje matemático y desarrollo de la mente
Terezinha Nunes
La educación en ciencias: ideas para mejorar su práctica / coord. por Montse Benlloch Burrull, 2002, ISBN 84-493-1172-1, págs. 139-158
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