págs. 3-11
págs. 13-21
Wortverbindungsfelder: fields of multi-word expressions
págs. 23-31
SSLD: a French SMS to Standard Language Dictionary
págs. 33-42
págs. 43-53
Specialised lexicographical resources: a survey of translators needs
págs. 55-66
DIL: a German-Italian online specialized dictionary of linguistics
págs. 67-76
págs. 77-86
págs. 87-96
Antton Gurrutxaga Hernaiz, Igor Leturia Azkarate, Elisabete Pociello Irigoyen, Xavier Saralegi Urizar, Iñaki San Vicente
págs. 97-107
págs. 109-123
págs. 125-136
págs. 137-147
Cultural values in a learner's dictionary: in search of a model
págs. 149-156
págs. 157-163
Making a dictionary without words: lemmatization problems in a sign language dictionary
págs. 165-172
págs. 173-181
The Hub&Spoke Model into practice: report on the semi-automatic extraction of a pre-version of a Finnish-Danish dictionary from a multilingual interlinkable database
págs. 183-191
págs. 193-202
Designing specialized dictionaries with natual language processing: examples of applications in the fields of computing and climate change
págs. 203-215
págs. 217-227
págs. 229-239
Automatic lexical acquisition from corpora: some limitations and tentative solutions
págs. 241-248
págs. 249-261
FDVC: creating a corpus-driven frequency dictionary of verb phrase constructions for Hungarian
págs. 263-271
The Dici project: towards a dictionary of Italian collocations integrated with an online language learning platform
págs. 273-282
págs. 283-294
Dynamic access to a static dictionary: a lexicographical "cathedral" lives to see the twenty-first-century - the "Dictionnaire étymologique de l'ancien français"
págs. 295-301
Access to multiple lexical resources at a stroke: integrating dictionary, corpus and Wordnet data
págs. 303-312
Showing phraseology in context: onomasiological access to lexico-grammatical patterns in corpora of French scientific writings
págs. 313-324
SciE-Lex: an electronic lexical database for the Spanish medical community
Isabel Verdaguer, Elisabet Comelles Pujadas, Natalia Judith Laso, Eva Giménez, Danica Salazar
págs. 325-334
The "Base lexicale du français": a multi-purpose lexicographic tool
págs. 335-342
págs. 343-354
págs. 355-365
Tagging collocations for learners
Margarita Alonso-Ramos, Leo Wanner, Nancy Vázquez, Orsolya Vincze, Estela Mosqueira Suárez, Sabela Prieto González
págs. 375-380
págs. 381-385
Have I got the wrong definition of_?: how to write technical definitions on the basis of examples taken from Newsgroup discussions
págs. 387-392
págs. 393-398
págs. 399-404
págs. 405-410
págs. 411-418
págs. 419-423
págs. 425-429
Lexicography in the grid environment
Héctor Martínez Alonso, Marta Villegas Montserrat, Núria Bel Rafecas, Santiago Bel, Francesca Alemany
págs. 431-437
págs. 439-444
págs. 445-449
Multiple access routes: the dictionary of Bavarian dialects in Austria
págs. 451-455
NLP tools for lexicographic applications in Modern Greek
Christos Tsalidis, Mavina Pantazara, Panagiotis Minos, Elena Mantzari
págs. 457-462
DiCE in the web: an online Spanish collocation dictionary
págs. 369-374
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