Discoveries of childhood in history: an introduction
Jeroen J.H. Dekker, Bernard Kruithof, Frank Simon, Bruno Vanobbergen
págs. 1-9
págs. 11-29
La transformation de l'enfant en écolier (du 19e au milieu du 20e siècle): les "eurêkas" des sciences de l'homme naissantes, entre scientisme et romantisme: un "naturalisme" de l'enfance
págs. 31-50
págs. 51-66
"Making a mess in the mud": the discovery of toddlers' special needs by child scientists in the 1930s in the Netherlands
págs. 67-83
Learning and new sociability: schooling and the concept of the child in the Spanish Enlightenment
págs. 85-98
"School retardation" in Mexico from 1920 to 1960: conceptual passages
págs. 99-120
págs. 121-135
págs. 137-151
New education for underprivileged children: the codification of children's rights in Japanese law
págs. 153-167
págs. 169-183
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