Educating in other Ways: Alternative Pedagogies and Different Schools in The Second Half of the Twentieth Century
págs. 1-6
«Like Air Bricks on Earth»: Notes on Developing a Research Agenda Regarding the Post-War Legacy of New Education
págs. 7-25
The French Classes Nouvelles (1945-1952): Why is it so Difficult to Change Traditional Pedagogy?
págs. 27-45
págs. 47-67
Pedagogic Alternatives in Italy after the Second World War: the Experience of the Movimento di Cooperazione Educativa and Bruno Ciari’s New School in Bologna
págs. 69-87
«Freinet Chimneys»: Experimenting with Emancipatory Public Education (Geneva in the 60s to 80s). Piaget’s Dream of an Active School?
págs. 89-115
Images of Pedagogical Innovation: Escola da Ponte (Portugal)
págs. 117-132
The Experimental Classes: Different Secondary Education in Brazil in 1950s and 1960s
págs. 133-146
págs. 147-161
págs. 163-180
Until the Revolution: Analyzing the Politics, Pedagogy, and Curriculum of the Oakland Community School
págs. 181-203
págs. 205-225
págs. 227-246
El boom tecnológico en las escuelas de los años 80: una aproximación al programa ATENEA español
págs. 247-262
págs. 263-285
Entre la educación estatal y la privada: el dilema ideológico del judeo-progresismo argentino (1955-1995).
págs. 287-313
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