Bilingual children do not transfer stress patterns: Evidence from suprasegmental and segmental analysis of L1 and L2 speech of Polish–English child bilinguals
Dariusz Zembrzuski, Marta Marecka, Agnieszka Otwinowska, Ewa Zajbt, Marek Krzemiński, Jakub Szewczyk, Zofia Wodniecka
págs. 93-114
págs. 115-128
págs. 129-140
A bilingual emotional advantage?: An investigation into the effects of psychological factors in emotion perception in Arabic and in English of Arabic-English bilinguals and Arabic/English monolinguals
págs. 141-158
Input and literacy effects in simultaneous and sequential bilinguals: The performance of Albanian–Greek-speaking children in sentence repetition
págs. 159-183
Like in English and como, como que, and like in Spanish in the speech of Southern Arizona bilinguals
págs. 184-207
págs. 208-221
Preschoolers’ lexical skills in two majority languages: Is there evidence for the onset of sequential bilingualism?
págs. 222-245
págs. 246-265
Genericity in third language English: Acquisition pattern and transfer in ultimate attainment
págs. 266-288
Italian-German bilinguals: The effects of heritage language use on accent in early-acquired languages
págs. 289-304
págs. 305-318
págs. 319-338
págs. 339-359
Bilingual language exposure and the peer group: Acquiring phonetics and phonology in Gaelic Medium Education
págs. 360-375
págs. 376-409
Reconstructing the life-cycle of a mixed language: An exploration of Ecuadoran Media Lengua
págs. 410-436
págs. 437-454
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