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Resumen de Control das fariñas obtidas de trigo " Caaveiro " ecolóxico e convencional

Nerea Fernández Canto, Belén García-Gómez, N. García Marnotes, Angel Cobos García, Olga Díaz Rubio, Matilde Lombardero Fernández, María Lourdes Vázquez Odériz, Santiago Pereira Lorenzo, Ana María Ramos Cabrer, María Ángeles Romero Rodríguez

  • English

    The analytical control of the flours is a key step due to it is the main raw material in the breadmaking. Based on this, in this chapter, it is proposed to develop a system of identification and genetic characterization as a control system for the traceability of ‘Caaveiro’ wheat. In addition, this study evaluates the physico-chemical, nutritional, microbiological and microscopic parameters of ‘Caaveiro’ wheat flour produced in organic vs. conventional cultivation. The genetic identity of the ‘Caaveiro’ wheat produced is verified by means of a traceability system with microsatellites that allows to guarantee the authenticity of this product so appreciated in Galicia. The results of physico-chemical analyses indicate that organic flours have higher moisture content and therefore lower total solids content. At the nutritional level, organic flours have a higher content of fat, sucrose, phosphorus, sodium and copper and a lower content of carbohydrates, starch, calcium and zinc. This study shows that there are no differences in the risk of pathogenic contamination in flours obtained by both cropping systems. In addition, the microsatellite traceability system guarantees the authenticity of this much-appreciated product in Galicia.

  • galego

    O control das fariñas é fundamental ao ser a materia prima principal na elaboración do pan. En base a isto, neste capítulo, proponse desenvolver un sistema de identificación e caracterización xenética como sistema de control da trazabilidade do trigo ‘Caaveiro’. Ademais, neste estudo avalíanse os parámetros físico-químicos, nutricionais, microbiolóxicos e microscópicos da fariña de trigo ‘Caaveiro’ producida en cultivo ecolóxico vs. convencional. A identidade xenética do trigo ‘Caaveiro’ producido compróbase mediante un sistema de trazabilidade con microsatélites que permite garantir a autenticidade deste produto tan apreciado en Galicia. Os resultados das análises físico-químicas indican que as fariñas ecolóxicas teñen maior contido en humidade e, polo tanto, menor contido de sólidos totais. A nivel nutricional, as fariñas ecolóxicas presentan maior contido en graxa, sacarosa, fósforo, sodio e cobre e menor en glícidos, amidón, calcio e zinc. Neste estudo constátase que non hai diferenzas no risco de contaminación patóxena nas fariñas obtidas por ámbolos dous sistemas de cultivo.

Fundación Dialnet

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