This publication presents the Proceedings of the 6th Seminar of the Subnetwork on Production Systems of the FAO-CIHEAM Network for Research and Development in Sheep and Goats, held in Ponte de Lima (Portugal) from 1 5th to 1 7th November 2007, with the title of : "Changes in Sheep and Goat Farming Systems at the Beginning of the 21st Century". The Seminar was organised by FAO, CIHEAM, Direcçâo Regional de Agricultura e Pescas do Norte (DRAP-Norte), and the Escola Superior Agrâria de Ponte de Lima (ESAPL) - Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo (IPVC).
The Seminar dealt with the diversification of sheep and goat farming, the sustainability of the present production systems, the possible coexistence between wild animals and smail ruminants, and the evolution of the product quality and its impact on the production systems. It also reviewed and assessed the progress made on subjects analysed and discussed during previous seminars of the Subnetwork, such as methods for evaluating these systems, including recent methods such as modelling.
The final objective was to provide elements for reflection, results of the actions already undertaken and the new methodologies for colleagues responsible for the development of the sheep and goat sector, in their activities to improve the livestock sector and its adaptation to the new challenges. This volume collects the edited texts of 47 communications presented in the Meeting and two additional articles that review the progress made on the analysis, evaluation and management of production systems.
Multi-criteria evaluation of small ruminant farming systems sustainability in Lebanon and Algeria
M. Marie, G. Srour, B. Ziki, S. Abi Saab, Hacen Yakhlef, Faissal Ghozlane
págs. 13-20
págs. 21-35
Caractérisation des systèmes de production caprine semi-extensifs en Andalousie et au nord du Maroc: analyse comparative
M. Chentouf, Francisco Antonio Arrebola Molina, B. Boulanouar, H. Mesbahi, Antonio Terradillos Márquez, Francisco Pascual Caravaca Rodríguez, C. Casas Millán, J. L. Bister
págs. 37-41
F.A. Ruiz, N. Bossis, José María Castel Genís, E. Caramelle Holtz, J. Ramón y Mena, Christine Guinamard
págs. 43-47
Références technico-économiques dans les élevages ovins au Maroc selon la race exploitée et le type d'élevage: résultats préliminaires
págs. 49-53
Evolution des systèmes d'élevage caprin de l'Entre Douro e Minho: analyse des modes de production et des indicateurs de durabilité
págs. 55-60
págs. 61-66
Bottleneck analysis of sheep production systems in Southern Ethiopia: comparison of reproductive and growth parameters
Marianna Siegmund-Schultze, G. Legesse, Girma Abebe, A. Valle Zárate
págs. 67-69
págs. 71-73
Dairy sheep production systems at the central-north of Spain: effect of the flock size
Ángel Ruiz Mantecón, P. Díez Martínez, María Begoña Villadangos Alonso, Y. Martínez, Audrey A.P. Lavin
págs. 75-77
Seasonal variation of ewe body condition in extensive production systems of northeastern Portugal
J.M.T. Azevedo, S. R. Silva
págs. 79-81
págs. 83-86
Typology of sheep farming systems in different zones from Galicia
Alejandra Iglesias Tilve, V. Otero, J.M. Romero, Antonio Cabana Fernández, Jesús Cantalapiedra
págs. 87-90
Bordaleira de Entre Douro e Minho sheep breed production system
Joaquim Orlando Lima Cerqueira, A.N. Brito, J.P. Araújo, N.M. Silva, J.V. Leite
págs. 91-93
Description of Palmera sheep production system
G. Fernández, M.J. Bravo, A. Novo, María Jesús Navarro Ríos, Juan Capote Álvarez
págs. 95-97
Evaluation of production systems in protected areas: case studies on the Greek "Natura 2000" network
págs. 101-111
Les systèmes ovins et caprins de l'Union européenne: implications pour l'environnement
págs. 113-123
págs. 125-134
págs. 135-140
Pastoralism in natural parks of Andalucia (Spain): a tool for fire prevention and the naturalization of ecosystems
Javier Ruiz Mirazo, Ana Belén Robles Cruz, José Luis González Rebollar
págs. 141-144
Gestion pastorale du complexe lagunaire de Canet (site Natura 2000 FR 9101465) par des ovins: influence du mode de conduite sur l'utilisation de l'espace
págs. 145-149
Intérêts et limites de l'élevage caprin dans les écosystèmes fragiles et propositions d'amélioration: cas des systèmes d'élevage sahélien du Mali
págs. 151-156
Assessing costs of reaching sustainable grazing levels for sheep in Alpine habitats
L.J. Asheim, Atle Mysterud, A. Hegrenes
págs. 157-162
págs. 163-167
págs. 169-171
págs. 175-191
La diversification des activités dans les systèmes d'activité agricole des zones littorales françaises: opportunités de marché et reconstruction du lien social
págs. 193-203
Impact of introducing new technologies on bedouin sheep production in the Negev in Israel
E. Gootwine, A. Al Baqain, M. Abu Siam, H. Leibovich, P. Herold, S. Reicher, A. Valle Zárate
págs. 205-208
Caprin extensif en Corse: savoirs durables en quête de développement
págs. 209-213
págs. 215-219
Characterisation of production system of Niza cheese (PDO): effect of sheep breed on milk composition and coagulation properties
A.P.L. Martins, A. T. Belo, M.M. Vasconcelos, A.L. Fontes, Regina E. A. Pereira, C.C. Belo
págs. 221-225
Le secteur caprin laitier andalou: stratégies de recherche, développement et formation afin d'augmenter la valeur ajoutée des fromages artisanaux
José María Castel Genís, L. Navarro, F.A. Ruiz, J. Ramón y Mena, S. Sayadi, Sebastián Hevilla Ordóñez, M. Jiménez
págs. 227-231
págs. 233-235
Spanish regional sheep systems: differences and evolution of sheep productivity
págs. 237-240
Nutraceutical properties of goat milk: "in silico" analysis of the casein sequences
S. Chessa, F. Chiatti, D. Rignanese, G. Ceriotti, A. Caroli, G. Pagnacco
págs. 241-243
págs. 245-248
págs. 249-252
Organic and conventional dairy goat production systems in Andalusian mountainous areas
J. Ramón y Mena, M. Ligero, F.A. Ruiz, José Nahed Toral, José María Castel Genís, J.M. Acosta, José Luis Guzmán Guerrero
págs. 253-256
págs. 257-260
Majorero PDO cheese production systems: cheese making and comercialization
S. Álvarez, R. González, P. Calero, G. Fernández, José María Fresno Baro
págs. 261-264
Production system of Palmero PDO cheese
José María Fresno Baro, A. Rodríguez, A. Escuder, G. Fernández, S. Álvarez
págs. 265-268
Characteristics of sheep marketing channels in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia
B. Boulanouar, Mohamed Elloumi, M. Khelil, S. Mekersi, Salah Selmi, V. Alary, Jean Pierre Boutonnet
págs. 269-273
págs. 277-292
How models contribute to livestock farming system research: overview of recent advances
págs. 293-306
págs. 307-311
Bilans énergétiques en élevage ovin viande: quelles voies d'adaptation pour une meilleure maîtrise ?
págs. 313-317
Les systèmes ovins de production laitière dans le nord de la Tunisie
A. Mohamed, Raoudha Khaldi, Mhemed Jaouad, Zouhair Rached, G. Khaldi
págs. 319-323
G. Toussaint, Pierre Morand Fehr, José María Castel Genís, J.-P. Choisis, M. Chentouf, J. Ramón y Mena, F. Pacheco, A. Ruíz
págs. 327-374
págs. 375-388
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