The Gamification of Advertising: Analysis and Research Directions of In-Game Advertising, Advergames, and Advertising in Social Network Games
págs. 95-112
Get in the Game: The Effects of Game-Product Congruity and Product Placement Proximity on Game Players� Processing of Brands Embedded in Advergames
págs. 113-130
Seeing Without Looking: The Effects of Hemispheric Functioning on Memory for Brands in Computer Games
págs. 131-141
Children's Responses to Advertising in Social Games
Esther Rozendaal, Noortje Slot, Eva A. van Reijmersdal, Moniek Buijzen
págs. 142-154
págs. 155-169
págs. 170-182
págs. 183-195
págs. 196-203
págs. 204-218
Audio and Visual Distractions and Implicit Brand Memory: A Study of Video Game Players
págs. 219-227
Coddling Our Kids: Can Parenting Style Affect Attitudes Toward Advergames?
págs. 228-240
págs. 241-250
págs. 251-263
Comparing TV Ads and Advergames Targeting Children: The Impact of Persuasion Knowledge on Behavioral Responses
págs. 264-273
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