Computational modeling of bilingualism: How can models tell us more about the bilingual mind?
págs. 241-245
págs. 246-265
Learning the lexical aspects of a second language at different proficiencies: A neural computational study
págs. 266-287
págs. 288-303
págs. 304-324
A computational account of bilingual aphasia rehabilitation
Swathi Kiran, Uli Grasemann, Chaleece Sandberg, Risto Mikkulainen
págs. 325-342
Modeling of word translation: Activation flow from concepts to lexical items
págs. 343-353
Orthographic influences on division of labor in learning to read Chinese and English: Insights from computational modeling
págs. 354-366
Individual differences reveal stages of L2 grammatical acquisition: ERP evidence
Darren Tanner, Judith McLaughlin, Julia Herschensohn, Lee Osterhout
págs. 367-382
L1 and L2 picture naming in Mandarin-English bilinguals: A test of Bilingual Dual Coding Theory
págs. 383-396
German pitches in English: Production and perception of cross-varietal differences in L2
págs. 397-419
págs. 420-441
págs. 442-457
págs. 458-474
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