InstitucionesIdentificadores de autorPeriodo de publicación recogido
R2M Index 1.0: Assessing the Practical Relevance of Academic Marketing Articles
Kamel Jedidi, Bernd H. Schmitt, Malek Ben Sliman, Yanyan Li
Journal of marketing: A quarterly publication of the american marketing association, ISSN 0022-2429, Vol. 85, Nº 5, 2021, págs. 22-41
Introduction to theory and practice in marketing conference special section of marketing science
Sunil Gupta, Dominique Hanssens, John R. Hauser, Donald Lehmann, Bernd H. Schmitt
Marketing science, ISSN 0732-2399, Vol. 33, Nº 1, 2014, págs. 1-5
Lia Zarantonello, Bernd H. Schmitt
International Journal of Advertising, ISSN 0265-0487, Vol. 32, Nº. 2, 2013, págs. 255-280
Marketing function and form: How functionalist and experiential architectures affect corporate brand personality
Ursula Raffel, Bernd H. Schmitt, Anton Meyer
International journal of research in marketing, ISSN 0167-8116, Vol. 30, Nº 3, 2013, págs. 201-210
Functional and experiential routes to persuasion: An analysis of advertising in emerging versus developed markets
Lia Zarantonello, Kamel Jedidi, Bernd H. Schmitt
International journal of research in marketing, ISSN 0167-8116, Vol. 30, Nº 1, 2013, págs. 46-56
Brand Experience: What Is It? How Is It Measured? Does it Affect Loyalty?
J. Josko Brakus, Bernd H. Schmitt, Lia Zarantonello
Journal of marketing: A quarterly publication of the american marketing association, ISSN 0022-2429, Vol. 73, Nº 3, 2009, págs. 52-68
Building strong brands in Asia: selecting the visual components of image to maximize brand strength
Bernd H. Schmitt, Pamela W. Henderson, Siew Meng Leong, Joseph A. Cote
International journal of research in marketing, ISSN 0167-8116, Vol. 20, Nº 4, 2003, págs. 297-313
Bernd H. Schmitt
Harvard Deusto Márketing y Ventas, ISSN 1133-7672, Nº. 37 (MAR-ABR), 2000, págs. 30-33
La estética: el nuevo paradigma del márketing
Bernd H. Schmitt, Alex Simonson
Harvard Deusto Márketing y Ventas, ISSN 1133-7672, Nº. 27 (JUL-AGO), 1998, págs. 21-23
Experiential marketing: Cómo conseguir que los clientes identifiquen en su marca
Bernd H. Schmitt
Deusto, 2007 (2 ed.) . ISBN 978-84-234-2436-8
Bernd H. Schmitt
Barcelona : Deusto, 2006. ISBN 84-234-2436-7
Marketing basado en experiencias
Bernd H. Schmitt
Deusto, 2002. ISBN 84-234-1933-9
Marketing y estética: la gestión estratégica de la marca, la identidad y la imagen
Bernd H. Schmitt, Alex Simonson
Deusto, 1998. ISBN 84-234-1601-1
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