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Cosubordination with Old English aspectual verbs. Sharing arguments and operators
Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
Onomázein: Revista de lingüística, filología y traducción de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, ISSN 0718-5758, ISSN-e 0717-1285, Nº. 64, 2024, págs. 210-237
Philologica canariensia, ISSN 1136-3169, Nº 30, 2024, págs. 393-423
The semantic and syntactic range of old English nominalisations with aspectual verbs
Journal of English Studies, ISSN 1576-6357, Nº 21, 2023, págs. 77-93
The morpho-syntactic alternations of old English verbs of inaction.
Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
IJES: international journal of English studies, ISSN 1578-7044, ISSN-e 1989-6131, Vol. 22, Nº. 2, 2022, págs. 91-128
Interclausal relations with Old English verbs of inaction: Synchronic variation and diachronic change
Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
Revista española de lingüística aplicada, ISSN 0213-2028, Vol. 34, no. 2, 2021, págs. 555-584
The Semantics and Syntax of Old English End Verbs
Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
Atlantis: Revista de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos, ISSN 0210-6124, Vol. 42, Nº 1, 2020, págs. 163-188
Productivity and graduality in the layered structure of the word: opaque word-formation in old english
Carmen Novo Urraca, Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
Revista española de lingüística aplicada, ISSN 0213-2028, Vol. 33, no. 1, 2020, págs. 202-226
The lexical representation of English verbs of action. Complex predicates and structures
Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
Revista de lingüística y lenguas aplicadas, ISSN 1886-2438, Nº. 14, 2019, págs. 131-140
Old English verbs of prohibition: grammatical behaviour and class membership
Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
Selim: Journal of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature = Revista de la Sociedad Española de Lengua y Literatura Inglesa Medieval, ISSN 1132-631X, Nº 24, 2019, págs. 1-28
Inflectional Variation in the Old English Participle. A Corpus-based Analysis
Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
Journal of English Studies, ISSN 1576-6357, Nº 16, 2018, págs. 237-254
Lemmatising Treebanks. Corpus Annotation with Knowledge Bases
Carmen Novo Urraca, Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
RAEL: revista electrónica de lingüística aplicada, ISSN 1885-9089, Vol. 17, Nº. 1, 2018, págs. 99-120
Defining meanings by grammatical behaviour. The case of English verbs of inaction
Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
RAEL: revista electrónica de lingüística aplicada, ISSN 1885-9089, Vol. 17, Nº. 1, 2018, págs. 121-138
The participle in two corpora of Old English. Descriptive and empirical questions
Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
Revista de lingüística y lenguas aplicadas, ISSN 1886-2438, Nº. 13, 2018, págs. 87-98
The adjectival and verbal participle with "beon" in Old English: A morpho-syntactic analysis
Francisco Javier Martín Arista, Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
Selim: Journal of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature = Revista de la Sociedad Española de Lengua y Literatura Inglesa Medieval, ISSN 1132-631X, Nº 23, 2018, págs. 27-53
Old english vocalic contrasts and the scope of analysis in historical linguistics
Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
RAEL: revista electrónica de lingüística aplicada, ISSN 1885-9089, Vol. 13, Nº. 1, 2014, págs. 1-17
Alternation vs. variation in Old English
Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
Revista de lingüística y lenguas aplicadas, ISSN 1886-2438, Nº. 9, 2014, págs. 55-66
Old English genitive deverbal nominalisations with verbs of inaction. An RRG-based study
Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
SELIM 32. Book of Abstracts, 2022, págs. 84-85
Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
Conference proceedings. CIVINEDU 2021: 5th International Virtual Conference on Educational Research and Innovation, 2021, ISBN 978-84-124511-1-5, págs. 333-338
The loss of inflection in the Old English participle: quantitative and qualitative aspects
Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
Verbs, Clauses and Constructions. Functional and Typological Approaches / Pilar Guerrero Medina (aut.), Roberto Torre Alonso (aut.), Raquel Vea Escarza (aut.), 2018, ISBN 978-1-5275-1667-0, págs. 41-58
Partial deflexion: the participle of Old English strong verbs
Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
28th International conference of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature: Book of Abstracts, 2016, pág. 30
The Classes of Old English Inaction Verbs: Linking, Alternations and Constructions
Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
Tesis doctoral dirigida por Francisco Javier Martín Arista (dir. tes.). Universidad de La Rioja (2019).
Universal Dependencies of Old English. Automatic parsing with a computational model of language
Tesis doctoral dirigida por Francisco Javier Martín Arista (dir. tes.), Ana Elvira Ojanguren López (dir. tes.). Universidad de La Rioja (2024).
The semantics and syntax of Old English verbs of change of state: depriving, increasing, and learning
Tesis doctoral dirigida por Francisco Javier Martín Arista (dir. tes.), Ana Elvira Ojanguren López (dir. tes.). Universidad de La Rioja (2021).
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