Periodo de publicación recogido
Rooibos agro-processing waste as herbal tea products: optimisation of soluble solids extraction from dust and application to improve sensory profile, colour and flavonoid content of stem infusions
Manzimase Sishi, Magdalena Muller, Dalene De Beer, Marieta van der Rijst, Elizabeth Joubert
Journal of the science of food and agriculture, ISSN 0022-5142, Vol. 99, Nº 7, 2019, págs. 3653-3661
Lara Alexander, Dalene De Beer, Magdalena Muller, Marieta van der Rijst, Elizabeth Joubert
Journal of the science of food and agriculture, ISSN 0022-5142, Vol. 99, Nº 3, 2019, págs. 1334-1341
Phenolic and physicochemical stability of a functional beverage powder mixture during storage: effect of the microencapsulant inulin and food ingredients.
Dalene De Beer, Claire E Pauck, Marique Aucamp, Wilna Liebenberg, Nicole Stieger, Marieta van der Rijst, Elizabeth Joubert
Journal of the science of food and agriculture, ISSN 0022-5142, Vol. 98, Nº 8, 2018, págs. 2925-2934
Minimising variation in aspalathin content of aqueous green rooibos extract: optimising extraction and identifying critical material attributes.
Neil Miller, Dalene De Beer, Elizabeth Joubert
Journal of the science of food and agriculture, ISSN 0022-5142, Vol. 97, Nº 14, 2017, págs. 4937-4942
Identification of microbial contaminants present during the curing of honeybush tea (Cyclopia)
Trevor J Britz, Elizabeth Joubert, Jaco Du Toit
Journal of the science of food and agriculture, ISSN 0022-5142, Vol. 79, Nº 14, 1999, págs. 2040-2044
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