págs. 1115-1119
págs. 1120-1136
págs. 1137-1144
págs. 1145-1151
págs. 1152-1170
Preschool Center Quality and School Readiness: Quality Effects and Variation by Demographic and Child Characteristics
Tran D. Keys, George Farkas, Margaret R. Burchinal, Greg J. Duncan, D. L. Vandell, Weilin Li, Erik A. Ruzek, Carollee Howes
págs. 1171-1190
págs. 1191-1208
Genetic Moderation of Early Child-Care Effects on Social Functioning Across Childhood: A Developmental Analysis
págs. 1209-1225
Coparenting Among Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Couples: Associations With Adopted Children's Outcomes
págs. 1226-1240
págs. 1241-1252
págs. 1253-1268
Rigidity in Gender-Typed Behaviors in Early Childhood: A Longitudinal Study of Ethnic Minority Children
May Ling Halim, Diane N. Ruble, Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda, Patrick E. Shrout
págs. 1269-1284
Forces and Motion: How Young Children Understand Causal Events
Tilbe Göksun, Nathan R. George, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff
págs. 1285-1295
págs. 1296-1307
Dual Routes to Cognitive Flexibility: Learning and Response-Conflict Resolution in the Dimensional Change Card Sort Task
Michael Ramscar, Melody Dye, Jessica W. Gustafson, Joseph Klein
págs. 1308-1323
págs. 1324-1337
págs. 1338-1354
Developmental Trajectories of Acculturation in Hispanic Adolescents: Associations With Family Functioning and Adolescent Risk Behavior
Seth J. Schwartz, Sabrina Des Rosiers, Shi Huang, Byron L. Zamboanga, Jennifer B. Unger, George P. Knight, Hilda Pantin, José Szapocznik
págs. 1355-1372
págs. 1373-1391
Visual Attention to Global and Local Stimulus Properties in 6-Month-Old Infants: Individual Differences and Event-Related Potentials
págs. 1392-1406
The Moving Window Technique: A Window Into Developmental Changes in Attention During Facial Emotion Recognition
Elina Birmingham, Tamara Meixner, Grace Iarocci, Christopher Kanan, Daniel Smilek, James W. Tanaka
págs. 1407-1424
Daily Intragroup Contact in Diverse Settings: Implications for Asian Adolescents' Ethnic Identity
págs. 1425-1441
Siblings, Theory of Mind, and Executive Functioning in Children Aged 3–6 Years: New Longitudinal Evidence
págs. 1442-1458
“Two for Flinching”: Children's and Adolescents' Narrative Accounts of Harming Their Friends and Siblings
págs. 1459-1474
Predicting Long-Term Growth in Students' Mathematics Achievement: The Unique Contributions of Motivation and Cognitive Strategies
Kou Murayama, Reinhard Pekrun, Stephanie Lichtenfeld, Rudolf vom Hofe
págs. 1475-1490
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