págs. 433-452
Interlanguage dynamics and lexical networks in nonnative L2 signers of ASL: cross-modal rhyme priming
págs. 453-470
The functional overlap of executive control and language processing in bilinguals
Emily L. Coderre, Jason F. Smith, Walter J. B. Van Heuven, Barry Horwitz
págs. 471-488
págs. 489-503
págs. 504-519
What is the source of L1 attrition?: The effect of recent L1 re-exposure on Spanish speakers under L1 attrition
págs. 520-532
págs. 533-549
Individual differences in very young children's English acquisition in China: Internal and external factors
págs. 550-566
The modulation of reading strategies by language opacity in early bilinguals: an eye movement study
Diego de León Rodríguez, Karin Buetler, Noëmi Eggenberger, Basil C. Preisig, Rahel Schumacher, Marina Laganaro, Thomas Nyffeler, Jean-Marie Annoni, Rene Muri
págs. 567-577
págs. 578-596
págs. 597-609
págs. 610-620
págs. 621-629
págs. 630-635
Second language processing and revision of garden-path sentences: a visual word study
págs. 636-643
págs. 644-653
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