págs. 1091-1106
págs. 1107-1127
It’s not enough to move your hands beautifully’: teaching and learning at a school for deaf students in Mexico
págs. 1128-1146
Revitalization of indigenous languages and cultures: critical review of preschool bilingual educational policies in Chile (2007–2016)
págs. 1147-1162
‘Spanish at home, English at school’: how perceptions of bilingualism shape family language policies among Spanish-speaking parents of preschoolers
págs. 1163-1177
págs. 1178-1192
Heritage language socialization in Chinese American immigrant families: prospective links to children’s heritage language proficiency
págs. 1193-1209
Translingual practices in English classrooms in India: current perceptions and future possibilities
págs. 1210-1231
Pride, shame, and guilt: socio-emotional aspects of the encounter between the Bedouin and Fellahi dialects
págs. 1232-1246
Foreign language learning anxiety in China: theories and applications in English language teaching by Deyuan He
Es reseña de:
Foreign language learning anxiety in China: theories and applications in English language teaching
Deyuan He
Singapore : Springer, 2018
págs. 1247-1249
Bilingual and ESL classrooms: teaching in multicultural contexts (6th ed.), edited by Carlos J. Ovando and Mary Carol Combs
Es reseña de:
Bilingual and ESL classrooms: teaching in multicultural contexts
Carlos J. Ovando (ed. lit.), Mary Carol Combs (ed. lit.)
Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield, 2018
págs. 1250-1253
Multilinguals’ Verbalisation and Perception of Emotions by Pia Resnik
Es reseña de:
Multilinguals' verbalisation and perception of emotions
Pia Resnik
Bristol : Multilingual Matters, 2018
págs. 1253-1257
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