Unique and combined effects of quantitative mathematical language and numeracy instruction within a picture book intervention: A registered report
David J. Purpura, Connor D. O'Rear, Alexa Ellis, Jessica A. R. Logan, Lauren Westerberg, Patrick Ehrman, Yemimah A. King, Mackenna Vander Tuin, Inga Nordgren, Kristen Anderson, Jimena Cosso, Erica L. Zippert, Amy R. Napoli, Caroline Byrd Hornburg, Sara A. Schmitt, Jennifer Dobbs-Oates
págs. 1-19
Longitudinal reciprocal effects of agentic engagement and autonomy support: Between- and within-person perspectives
Hye-Ryen Jang, Geetanjali Basarkod, Johnmarshall Reeve, Herbert W. Marsh, Sung Hyeon Cheon, Jiesi Guo
págs. 20-35
Week-to-week fluctuations in autonomous study motivation: Links to need fulfillment and affective well-being
págs. 36-47
Student engagement and its association with academic achievement and subjective well-being: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Zi Yang Wong, Gregory A. D. Liem, Melvin Chan, Jesus Alfonso D. Datu
págs. 48-75
What Are They Thinking: Exploring College Students’ Mental Processing and Decision Making About COVID-19 (Mis)Information on Social Media
Jeffrey Alan Greene, Christina Hollander Blackmon, Eric A. Kirk, Victor M. Deekens
págs. 76-101
Receptive dual-language profiles in Spanish–English bilingual preschoolers
Pumpki Lei Su, Raúl Rojas, Jill De Villiers, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Aquiles Iglesias
págs. 102-122
Subgroups Within a Heterogeneous Population: Considering Contextual Factors That Influence the Formation of Dual Language Learner Profiles in Head Start
Lisa M. López, Matthew E. Foster, Shaunacy Sutter, Karen Nylund Gibson, Dina A. N. Arch
págs. 123-138
Cross-linguistic influence of early Spanish reading on English reading trajectories among Spanish–English emergent bilinguals: A latent class growth analysis
págs. 139-152
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