Teach For All: Storytelling “Shared Solutions” and Scaling Global Reform
El Sentido de lo Común como Experiencia de Construcción Democrática: Estudio de Casos en Escuelas en Contextos de Pobreza en Chile
Silvia Redón Pantoja, José Félix Angulo Rasco, Natalia Vallejos
Relações teoria-prática na formação de professores de Ciências: um estudo das interações discursivas no interior de uma disciplina acadêmica
Gabriel Menezes Viana, Danusa Munford, Marcia Serra Ferreira, Priscila Correia Fernandes
La Reforma Curricular en Competencias: La Experiencia en las Preparatorias Federales por Cooperación
Expanding Downward: Innovation, Diffusion, and State Policy Adoptions of Universal Preschool
Bolivian Teachers’ Agency: Soldiers of Liberation or Guards of Coloniality and Continuation?
Managing the Dynamics of the Bologna Reforms: How Institutional Actors Re-Construct the Policy Framework
Entre Políticas E Práticas: Os Desafios da Educação Inclusiva No Brasil
Connecting the dots: Understanding the flow of research knowledge within a research brokering network
Understanding the changing faculty workforce in higher education: A comparison of non-tenure track and tenure line experiences
Tópicos sobre retenção escolar em Portugal através do PISA: qualidade e equidade
Official Policies and Teachers’ Tendency to Act: Exploring the Discrepancies in Teachers’ Perceptions
Social Index of Educational Effectiveness: A New Approach from the Perspective of Promoting Equity
The Link of Teacher Career Paths on the Distribution of High Qualified Teachers: A Chilean Case Study
Representaciones sociales y orientación educativa del profesorado
Sonsoles San Román Gago, Carlos Vecina Merchante, Elisa Usategui Basozabal, Ana Irene del Valle Loroño, María del Mar Venegas Medina
New accountability in California through local control funding reforms: The promise and the gaps
Looking outside education: Expanding our thinking about moving research into practice
Targets, threats and (dis)trust: The managerial troika for public school principals in Chile
Carmen Montecinos, Luis Ahumada Figueroa, Sergio Ignacio Galdames Poblete, Fabián Campos Vergara, María Verónica Leiva Guerrero
Professional Capacity and Accountability: An Introduction
The discursive construction of lower-tracked students: Ideologies of meritocracy and the politics of education
Graduação em Ciências Contábeis - a ênfase nas competências: contribuições ao debate
Crème de la Crème: The Teach For All Experience and Its Lessons for Policy-Making in Latin America
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