Dual language programs: an exploration of bilingual students’ academic achievement, language proficiencies and engagement using a mixed methods approach
págs. 1-22
Teaching indigenous languages in Chile: perceptions of Traditional Educators
Rukmini Becerra-Lubies, Carlos Bolomey Córdova, Daniela Meli Fernández
págs. 23-41
May-Britt Monsrud, Veslemoy Rydland, Esther Geva, Anne Cathrine Thurmann-Moe, Solveig-Alma Halaas Lyster
págs. 42-58
págs. 59-79
Exploring bilingual learners’ desires in English-medium studies: evidence from a Thai private bilingual school
págs. 80-99
‘It has given me this kind of courage…’: the significance of CLIL in forming a positive target language self-concept
págs. 100-116
Negotiating language choice in multilingual lab meetings: voices from domestic and international students in Taiwan
págs. 117-130
Exploring child bilingual identity in Turkish context: a single case study
págs. 131-147
págs. 148-155
Bilingual physical education: the effects of CLIL on physical activity levels
Celina Salvador García, Oscar Chiva Bartoll, Carlos Capella Peris
págs. 156-165
Learning French as a foreign language in a globalised world: an empirical critique of the L2 Motivational Self System
págs. 166-182
The effect of parental education level on perceptions about CLIL: a study in Andalusia
págs. 183-195
págs. 196-209
ESL Written development at home and abroad: taking a closer look at vocabulary
Victoria Zaytseva Zaytseva, Inmaculada Miralpeix, Carmen Pérez Vidal
págs. 210-225
Language proficiency, reading comprehension and home literacy in bilingual children: the impact of context
págs. 226-240
Predicting Chinese and English interrogative development in a multilingual context: a corpus-based study of Singapore preschoolers
págs. 241-260
págs. 261-271
It takes two to make a thing go write: self-reported Spanish reading and writing skill and relationships with digit span and stroop task performance among Spanish-English bilinguals
págs. 272-286
Impact of home language reading skills’ on L2 reading comprehension: a study of newcomer emergent bilinguals
Leigh Garrison-Fletcher, Gita Martohardjono, Martin Chodorow
págs. 287-300
Code-switching by primary school bilingual EFL learners: a study on the effect of proficiency and modality of interaction
págs. 301-313
Living in two worlds: exploring US teachers’ perceptions of satellite children’s transnational experiences in China and the United States
págs. 314-327
págs. 328-341
págs. 342-354
págs. 355-366
Es reseña de:
Current research in bilingualism and bilingual education
Piotr Romanowski (ed. lit.), Magorzata Jedynak (ed. lit.)
Cham : Springe, 2018
págs. 367-370
Es reseña de:
Investigating content and language integrated learning: insights from Swedish high schools
Liss Kerstin Sylvén (ed. lit.)
Bristol : Multilingual Matters, 2019
págs. 370-373
Teacher leadership for social change in Bilingual and bicultural education by Deborah K. Palmer
Es reseña de:
Teacher leadership for social change in bilingual and bicultural education
Deborah K. Palmer
Bristol : Multilingual Matters, 2018
págs. 373-376
Es reseña de:
The Routledge handbook of sociocultural theory and second language development
James P. Lantolf (ed. lit.), Matthew E. Poehner (ed. lit.), Merrill Swain (ed. lit.)
New York : Routledge, 2018
págs. 376-379
The Multilingual Reality: Living with Languages by A.K. Mohanty
Anuja Sarda, Usree Bhattacharya
Es reseña de:
The multilingual reality: living with languages
Ajit K. Mohanty
Bristol : Multilingual Matters, 2019
págs. 379-382
Es reseña de:
Preschool bilingual education: agency in interactions between children, teachers, and parents
Mila Schwartz (ed. lit.)
Cham : Springer, 2018
págs. 382-384
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